Spray bottle 1010 ml | zangra

spray bottle 1010 ml

$3.42 30% $4.89
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Cleaning your home with natural and eco-friendly products is very easy. While plastics gather in the Pacific Ocean and chemicals still pollute our water and soil everyday, one bottle and a few natural products are enough to no longer take part in this ecological disaster.

This pump bottle, made from green polythene (sugar cane) can be used to create many household products and natural cosmetics.

Recipe of cleaning product with spirit vinegar:

Fill half of your spray bottle with warm water and the other half with spirit vinegar.
Add 20 drops of essential oils (orange, lavender, tea tree or grapefruit for example).
Shake well before use.

For an even more natural option, you can also fill a small jar with citrus fruits peels (lemon, grapefruit, orange...). Cover the fruit peels with spirit vinegar, close the jar and let steep for 1 to 2 weeks. In the end, you only need to filter the mixture and pour it into your spray bottle. Shake well before use.

Made of green polythene (sugar cane ethanol)
Does not contain chlorine, phthalate or bisphenol.
Made in Europe