14-day right of return
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 14 days of receipt. Please return the product(s) in its original condition and packaging. Please remember to send the delivery note or invoice that accompanied your order with your return and state the reason for the return.
You have 14 days to cancel your order and 14 days to return the goods to get a full refund.
You are responsible for the shipping costs of returning the items to zangra. Please ensure that you protect your products from transport damage. Items lost or damaged in transit will not be refunded.
Please note that shipping costs and any additional taxes are never refunded by zangra. If you have paid VAT on your order, it will of course also be refunded in the event of a return.

Return address
Ferme des Trois Moulins 13
5570 Beauraing

Broken or faulty items
Never send broken or faulty items back to zangra unless a member of staff has explicitly requested this!!!

Personalised or custom products
Please take note that custom products are final and are not eligible for returns, exchanges, changes or alterations, such as
custom-cut cables
custom-made ceiling lamps
and all other custom made items.
We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods.

Feel free to contact our customer service by filling in our »contact form«.
