Golden chemin de fer door handle | zangra

brass Chemin de Fer door handle


agatha.go-T agatha.go-T OPTION 1: T + T €116.12
agatha.go agatha.go OPTION 2: T + L €116.12
agatha.go-L agatha.go-L OPTION 3: L + L €116.12
- +

shipped within 1-2 days


Where does the name "railway handle" or "chemin de fer" come from?

In 1883 the Orient Express (of the Belgian Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits)  was put into service. This hotel train was an idea of the Belgian engineer Georges Nagelmackers, who wanted to make international travel more comfortable. For this luxury train, special door handles were designed for the narrow door frames of the first class compartments. These door handles were therefore called "railway handle" or also "chemin de fer" handle. Originally, this model consisted of a T and an L grip. The T stood for “Tirer” (pull) and so it was clear to passengers which side of the door to pull or push.

Zangra offers 3 combinations for these door handles:
OPTION 1: T + T (this symmetrical model consists of two T-handles)
OPTION 2: T + L (this model consists of a T-handle and a L-handle)
OPTION 3: L + L (this symmetrical model consists of two L-handles)

These door handles are sold with:
* the appropriate screws.
* 7 x 7 mm spindle (French standard).
* an extra sleeve to increase the thickness of the spindle from 7 mm to 8 mm (standard for the rest of Europe).

Gold in your home?

The colour gold is a stylish colour that immediately gives your interior a feeling of richness. Gold, just like silver, basically works with any other colour. Combined with black, the room suddenly becomes very chic, while the combination of gold with white provides a more modern look. If you combine gold with pink, you get a Scandinavian atmosphere. Your imagination is the limit!

What are the properties of brass?

Brass is an alloy consisting predominantly of zinc and copper. Brass is significantly more yellow than pure copper and bronze. It is a material that has always been appreciated for its resistance and its colour close to that of gold.
Brass resists moisture and does not rust, and is easy to maintain. Over time, the glossy surface will tend to oxidize naturally and become verdigris (greyish-green). This is a natural process of brass ageing and does not constitute grounds for complaint or is something covered by the warranty.