If you have decided to return one or more products, zangra will activate the zangracash service and have the amount credited to your account for your next purchase. Zangracash, also known as store credit, is the fastest and easiest way to use past refunds on future orders.
Here is how zangracash works: As soon as zangra has accepted your return, the refund total will be credited to your account. At your next purchase that you make while logged in, this method of payment will be proposed to you automatically.

You can pay any eventual balance with a payment method of your choice: Credit Card or bank transfer …. 
If you would like to transfer the zangracash to your bank account, you can do so at no additional cost by sending a message to zangra’s client service with your bank account information.

Feel free to contact our customer service by filling in our »contact form«.
